

About 12 Mukhi Rudraksh

Twelve mukhi Rudraksha symbolizes Lord Surya. The Sun is the giver of life, it represents our conscious mind. The Sun reflects the present or the "here and now". It teaches that you have maximum potential only in the now. The 12 mukhi rudraksha helps us to understand the importance of "Now" and helps us concentrate on the same. The sun teaches us lessons of evoking our self-power by releasing all dependencies on the outside world be it physical, emotional or mental. This bead makes the wearer's personality shine like the Sun.


  • Twelve mukhi Rudraksha gives radiance, luster, brilliance, youthfulness and vitality.
  • It gives power of Sight and Power of timely action.
  • It pacifies the negative influence and afflictions of the Sun.
  • It makes one fearless and powerful and ready to take action using his knowledge.
  • It helps businessmen, households, politicians, managers, leaders and public administrators achieve greater success name, fame, and abundance in their respective fields.


  • Releases low self-respect and makes the wearer disciplined and confident.
  • It gives physical, emotional and mental power.
  • Releases dependency on others.
  • It releases stress, worries, suspicion and anger.

Therapeutic Benefits:

  • It regulates the functioning of the Digestive system.
  • Heals stomach, pancreas, liver ailments, Indigestion, Diabetes and Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
  • It is very good for Vata & Kapha Janit roga.
