

About 15 Mukhi Rudraksh

Fifteen mukhi Rudraksha is one of the best and rare amongst all mukhis. Fifteen mukhi Rudraksha is the auspicious gift of nature to mankind. It is the medium to remove the instinctual bondage of soul from all the egos and helps you connect to yourself. Ruled by Pashupatinath Shiva, it helps you release all pashas (bondages) of dependancy, expectations, non-forgiveness, grief, hurt and makes you fly with joy in liberation. It attracts abundance and fulfillment in one's life. It awakens unconditional love and gives ability to forgive and let go. It makes the wearer more compassionate and generous. It is associated with the planet Mercury.


  • Wearing Fifteen Mukhi Rudraksha is one of the best medium to come out of the pasha/bondage instinct and proceed towards the freedom or Self-Realization.
  • Most powerful bead for Dhyaan/Meditation and spiritual attainments.
  • Pacifies the malefic effects of the planet Mercury.


  • Destroys ignorance, suffering and pain which are caused by bondages.
  • Promotes healthy relationships and desire fulfillment by opening of the heart chakra.
  • The wearer becomes a channel of pure unconditional love.
  • Provides healing energy for negative emotions.
  • It blesses the wearer with knowledge, creation and spiritual growth.

Therapeutic Benefits:

  • It gives relief in any kind of Heart Diseases, Cardiovascular ailments, Respiratory illness – Asthma,
  • It also gives relief in Allergies, fever.
  • It releases the feelings of grief, negligence, loneliness, and emotional depression.