

About 6 Mukhi Rudraksh

Six Mukhi Rudraksha is ruled by Kartikeya, the six headed son of Lord Shiva who represents the senses. Six mukhi rudraksha bestows on the wearer the fulfillment of desires and youthful appearance. Lord Kartikeya is the warrior and has the qualities of fearlessness, quick action and supreme command. The wearer of 6 mukhi rudraksha is blessed with the qualities of Lord Kartikeya. The planet associated with this bead is Mars. Mars rules our animal instincts of aggression, anger, survival and instability in one's life. 6 mukhi rudraksha helps to pacify the malefic effects of planet Mars. People who have Mangal Dosha in their Kundali benefit from this bead.


  • It brings stability in all aspects of one's life.
  • Wearer of the bead is blessed with focus, grounding and perfection.
  • It removes malefic effects of the planet Mars.
  • It connects us with mother Earth.


  • It helps to remove fatigue, laziness and dullness.
  • It increases connection with mother earth thus gives the energy of penance, stamina, balance and tolerance.
  • The wearer of six mukhi gets luck and assets of properties and vehicles.

Therapeutic Benefits:

  • It gives relief from muscular pains, knee pains, bone pains.
  • It gives relief from piles and arthritis.
  • It helps reduce obesity.
